[re] 대학 랭킹 링크 자료

2002-04-14 00:53
듣기로는 고만 리포트는 매년나오는것은 아니라는군요.
그리고 랭킹관련 자료는 유학준비 커뮤니티인 해커스나 환타지아(요새는 좀 뜸하네요.)
등의 사이트를 참조하시면 랭킹 뿐 아니라 유학에 관심있으신분이 궁금해하시는 정보를
많이 얻으실 수 있으실것 같습니다.
이 자료 역시 해커스에 어느분이 옮겨놓으신 자료입니다. 그분 역시 퍼오신글이므로
허락은 받지않았습니다만, 문제가 되면 삭제하겠습니다.
아래에 줄 아랫쪽으로의 글은 모두 그분의 글입니다. 고만 레포트 EE 랭킹자료입니다.

The Gourman Report is an objective evaluation and uses 16 criteria to establish its rankings. The criteria include library resources , admission standards, quality of instruction, faculty and student quality, library size and quality, quality of physical plant and laboratories, and number of teaching and research assistantships. Sixty-two undergraduate and 35 graduate EE programs were ranked by the latest Gourman Report.

1998 Undergraduate Electrical Enginering Program in North America (U.S.A. and Canada)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology  4.92
2 Stanford University  4.91
3 University of California- Berkeley  4.88
4 University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign  4.86
4  University of Toronto 4.86
6 University of California- Los Angeles  4.82
6  McGill University 4.82
8 Cornell University  4.81
8  University of British Columbia 4.81
10  McMaster University 4.80
11 Purdue University- West Lafayette  4.79
12 University of Southern California  4.77
13 Princeton University  4.76
14 University of Michigan- Ann Arbor  4.75
14  University of Alberta 4.75
16 Carnegie Mellon University  4.74
17 Polytechnic University  4.73
18  Queen's University 4.72
19  University of Calgary 4.71
20  University of Saskatchewan 4.70
20 University of Texas-Austin  4.70
20  Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 4.70
20  University of Manitoba 4.70
24  Laval University 4.69
25  University of New Brunswick 4.68
26 Columbia University  4.66
26  University of Ottawa 4.66
26  Technical University of Nova Scotia 4.66
29 Georgia Institute of Technology  4.65
29  Royal Military College of Canada 4.65
31 University of Maryland- College Park  4.64
32 Ohio State University- Columbus  4.63
33 Stevens Institute of Technology  4.62
34 University of Minnesota  4.60
35  Memorial University of Newfoundland 4.58
35 Northwestern University  4.58
37 University of California- Santa Barbara  4.57
38 University of Florida  4.56
38  University of Western Ontario 4.56
40  Carleton University 4.55
40  University of Waterloo 4.55
41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  4.54
42 Johns Hopkins University  4.53
43 Rice University  4.52
44 Brown University  4.50
44  University of Windsor 4.50
46 University of Wisconsin- Madison  4.49
47    Lakehead University 4.46
47 University of Arizona  4.46
47  Universite de Sherbrooke 4.46
50 University of California- San Diego  4.45
51  Concordia University 4.44
52 University of Colorado- Boulder  4.43
53 Washington University- Saint Louis  4.42
54 University of Pennsylvania  4.40
55 Yale University  4.38
56 Virginia Tech  4.37
57 Penn State- University Park  4.36
58 Case Western Reserve  4.35
59 University of Missouri- Rolla  4.34
60 University of Massachusettes- Amherst  4.32
61 Syracuse University  4.30
62 Michigan State University  4.28
63 University of Notre Dame  4.27
64 University of Pittsburgh  4.26
65 Iowa State University  4.25
66 North Carolina State University  4.24
67 University of Washington  4.22
68 Texas A&M University- College Station  4.21
69 Southern Methodist University  4.20
70 University of California- Davis  4.18
71 Duke University  4.17
72 State University of New York- Stoney Brook  4.15
73 University of Tennessee- Knoxville  4.13
74 Arizona State University  4.11
75 University of Kansas  4.10
76 University of Hawaii- Manoa  4.08
77 Texas Tech University  4.07
78 Colorado State University  4.06
79 State University of New York- Buffalo  4.05
80 University of Utah  4.04
81 US Air Force Academy  4.03
82 University of Iowa  4.02
83 City University of New York- City College  4.01
84 University of Connecticut  4.00

1998 Gourman Graduate Program Ranking in EE
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2 California, Berkeley
3 Stanford
4 Illinois
5 California Institute of Technology
6 Cornell
8 Purdue
10 Princeton
11 Michigan
12 Carnegie Mellon
13 Polytechnic University
14 Texas
15 Columbia
16 Maryland
17 Ohio State
18 Georgia Tech
19 California, Santa Barbara
20 Minnesota
21 Northwestern
22 Johns Hopkins
23 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
24 Rice
25 Wisconsin
26 California-San Diego
27 North Carolina State
28 Pennsylvania
29 Florida
30 Brown
31 Colorado

1993 NRC(National Research Council) Ranking in EE

I am thinking of retiring these files. While still popular, they are pretty old and consume a substantial amount of disk space

참고> http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Gold/4890/98gourmang.htm 에는
1998 Graduate Gourman Ranking  이라고 나와있지만 확인해본 결과
1993 NRC와 같은 랭킹이었습니다. 중국얘들이 착각을 한듯 싶네요
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -
1. Stanford Univ.
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3. Univ. of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
4. Univ. of California - Berkeley
5. California Institute of Technology
6. Cornell Univ.
7. Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor
8. Purdue Univ.
9. Princeton Univ.
10. Univ. of Southern California
11. Univ. of California - Los Angeles
12. Carnegie-Mellon Univ.
13. Georgia Institute of Technology
14. Univ. of Texas - Austin
15. Columbia Univ.
16. Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison
17. Univ. of Maryland - College Park
18. Univ. of Minnesota - Twin Cities
19. Univ. of California - Santa Barbara
20. Univ. of California - San Diego
21. North Carolina State Univ.
22. Ohio State Univ. - Columbus
23. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
24. Polytechnic Univ.
25. Univ. of Washington
26. Rice Univ.
27. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.
28. Pennsylvania State Univ.
29. Univ. of Massachusetts - Amherst
30. Yale Univ.
31. Univ. of Florida
32. Texas A&M Univ. - College Station
33. Univ. of California - Davis
34. Johns Hopkins Univ.
35. Brown Univ.

1999 Gourman Ranking in EE
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --
1 MIT 4.92
2 Stanford 4.91
3 California-Berk 4.88
4 Illinois, Urbana 4.86
5 California-LA 4.82
6 Cornell 4.81
7 McMaster 4.80
8 Purdue 4.79
9 Southern Cal 4.77
10 Princeton 4.76

2002 Gourman Reporting 도 있는데 인터넷상으로는 없고 책으로만 나와있다고 하더군요
혹시 구입하신 분 계시면 많은 분들을 위해 올려주시는 것도 괜챦을 듯 싶습니다
대부분들이 최종 유학결정하는데 있어서 USNEWS만을 고려하는 것 같아서 이렇게
제가 찾아보고 올렸습니다. 맨 앞에서 밝혔듯이 Gourman Reporting 은 객관적이며 상업
적인 요소가 배제되어서 매년 비슷한 Ranking이 유지됩니다 아울러 NRC Ranking과도
비슷하니 좀더 reliable하다고 생각합니다



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