학생과 지도 교수간의 MOU 예제 : 호주의 경우

2003-04-29 16:14
*** 박사 과정 대학원생과 지도 교수 간의 MOU의 예제를 무단 전재하여 싣습니다. 제가 몸 담고 있는 연구소에서 회람을 돌린 건데 한번 참고해 보세요. 이해안되는 명칭이나 용어는 건너"뒤시고요.  여기서 보면 외국에서 대학원 학생 교육에 대한 생각을 엿볼 수 있게합니다. *** 

A draft proforma for the MOU is appended


Work out, in collaboration with the student, a good and mutually
acceptable research topic that is scientifically exciting, technically
possible and feasible in the timescale.  The student and supervisor
should discuss how ambitious and how tightly defined the project should
be, and set out goals, timelines and resource requirements for the
research work. The end product of these discussions is a thesis proposal
which is circulated by the convenors to all staff astronomers for comment.

The student and supervisor should discuss

* how specific and prescriptive the goals and timelines should be. 

* how should they be altered as situations evolve.

* how tightly the project should be managed. Will this student and
  supervisor work best with micro-management (eg should there be a short
  term goal agreed at each meeting, to be achieved by the next meeting) or
  are broader goals more appropriate.

Meet with student roughly every week (to be agreed). The supervisor should
maintain this level of contact even during extended absence from MSO.

Monitor student progress and remain closely involved in the student's
program as it evolves. Warn the student if s/he is not progressing, or
if there are significant deviations from the agreed timeline and
direction of research.

Help with telescope/computing proposals and preparation of talks, and
provide detailed constructive criticism of drafts, at least initially.
For discussion, how to tail off this level of help as the student
becomes more independent.

Tell the student when s/he is ready to start writing up any particular
piece of work. Read chapter drafts and paper drafts and provide
detailed constructive criticism in a timely manner. Help student to
determine when work is ready to submit.

Make sure that the student complies with ANU and school deadlines for
milestones such as annual reports and reviews and mid-term
presentations. The school secretary will provide reminders.


Put in at least 40 hours of work per week.

Student should normally be at Stromlo every working day, except when
observing, working at another research institute or at conferences.
These hours should substantially overlap the hours worked by most
academic staff (to be agreed)

Student should participate in all seminars/F-of-F/discussion meetings
etc, so as to acquire more general knowledge of the field.

Student should complete coursework requirements according to the program
rules, and comply with school deadlines for milestones such as annual
reviews and mid-term reports.

Agree, in collaboration with the supervisor, on a good and mutually
acceptable research topic.  In collaboration, check that it is
feasible. Work out timelines and goals with the supervisor, and review
them as necessary.

Meet with supervisor roughly every week (to be agreed).

Keep supervisor up to date with progress, so that supervisor can carry
out monitoring duties. This expectation remains for students working
offsite for extended periods. The student should also keep other
members of the supervisory panel up to date with progress.

Work independently to solve most problems and acquire necessary
skills.  Use other students and staff as resources as required.
Student and supervisor should discuss the sorts of problems which would
normally be solved independently, and which should require recourse to
supervisor: for example, they should discuss the balance between
learning new generic skills (eg programming) to solve a given problem
or using non-optimum manual techniques/pre-written software.

Get help from supervisor when an apparently insuperable barrier or
difficult decision is encountered.  Student and supervisor should
discuss what counts as an insuperable barrier: eg failure to
overcome a problem for a week.

Take increasing self direction of the project as time progresses.
Details for discussion.

Keep abreast of the literature.

Consult with the supervisor when planning talks, telescope proposals,
papers and thesis chapters.


Carry out supervisor's role in their absence.

Provide specialised expertise.


Participate in milestone reviews as required


The Board of Studies proposes an independent review committee, distinct
from the supervisory board, to review annually the progress of each

The purpose of this proposed committee is to provide an independent
level of annual review of student progress, as part of the broader
goal of getting our students to finish their theses on time. One of
its main tasks would be to identify problems in the student's working
arrangements that could impact on this goal.

The committee might include the director and convenors, meet
separately with the student and supervisor, and make recommendations to
the student and supervisory panel and to the director as prescribed


The Board of Studies proposes a schedule of talks that each student
should give.  The goals are to provide visible milestones in helping
students to get their theses done in time, and also to give them
experience in giving talks at different levels of formality.

A professional standard is expected for all talks. The student and
supervisor should discuss in advance the contents and presentation of
each talk. Talks 2-5 provide opportunities for the supervisory panel
to get together in person or in telecon. 

1. Talk on completion of first project, to be scheduled 3 months after
  start of project: 15 min, feast of facts. For students doing two
  projects: same after second project

2. Talk on thesis proposal, scheduled 3 months after completion of last
  project: feast of facts

3. Mid-term review talk: colloquium or feast of facts

4. Another talk 2.5 yr after start of program: feast of facts

5. Final talk at completion of thesis: colloquium

Students are strongly encouraged to give talks outside RSAA.


The "on-notice" concept introduced by the Director provides an
incentive for students to meet their obligations, as outlined in the
Graduate School Rules (4.3.6) and in the proposed MOU with their
supervisors, and so maintain their progress towards submitting their
theses in time.

The idea is that a student who is not meeting obligations, following
due warning in writing from the convenors, can be put on-notice until
the problem is remedied.  The "on-notice" process would be used rarely,
and only when serious problems arise. The student's progress would be
very closely monitored while on-notice.  The process would be
confidential and all aspects of its implementation are at the
director's discretion.

Examples of on-notice situations might include persistent failure to
come to work at MSO regularly, inadequate performance at MTR, and
unsatisfactory evaluation at annual reviews. The recovery path from
on-notice status would be tailored to the individual situation, with the
aim of getting the student back on track. For example, an unstatistfactory
review could be followed by another review two or three months to
provide an opportunity for recovery.

If a student wishes to appeal against on-notice status, an ad hoc
appeal committee drawn from the membership of the Board of Studies,
including one of the convenors, one other faculty member and one student,
would advise the director.


The Board of Studies proposes an informal discussion forum for students
and faculty to exchange astronomical news, ideas, interesting things
recently read and gossip. The goal is to expand the opportunities for
corporate intellectual activity at RSAA.

Here is a possible model for discussion, loosely based on various
suggestions, for Faculty's consideration: 

* meet once a week for lunch in the Woolley seminar room - bring your
  own lunch - 12:45 to 13:30

* no-one to speak for more than 5 minutes + few minutes discussion

* no visual aids - speakers may circulate a single sheet of paper
  to go with their talks


Names of student, supervisor and proposed supervisory panel

Title of proposed thesis

How often will student and supervisor meet

Understanding about

1) student's working hours

2) style of supervision, and level of independence in project management
expected of the student: eg short term goals set at each meeting to be
achieved by next meeting, or looser longer term goals.

3) level of problem-solving expected of student:  eg what sort of
problems should student solve independently, and what counts as an
insuperable barrier to progress that requires help from supervisor.

4) level of supervisor participation in planning talks and telescope

(Please attach the thesis proposal and give to Terry  and

  • Simon ()

      매우 친절하고 specific  하며 "현실적"인 메모이군요. 1주일에 한번은 만나라... 학생은 어느 시점이 되면 independent할 수 있도록 . . . Thanks !

  • 배성원 ()

      우리나라엔 저런 기본적인 서로의 '양해'도 명시적으로 되어 있지 않지요. 선생님들이 그냥 '당연'하게 생각한 바 대로 학생들이 할것이라고 믿고 있습니다. 대학원 운여에 대해서 각 대학이 저런 교수-학생간 관계설정이나 지도-졸업에 대한 근본적 가이드 라인을 가지도록 권고되어야 할 겁니다. 저는 특히 timeline이 마음에 드는군요. 요즘 각 학과별로 박사학위 하는데 몇년쯤 걸리나요? 제 후배는 졸업이 1년 delay되서 산학장학금도 기업에서 끊기고... 수료생이라 학교에서 주는 장학금도 못 받더군요. 그 친구가 놀아서 그렇다면 열을 안 받겠지만 지난 5년간 그 친구가 졸업에 신경쓸수 있었던 기간은 2년정도밖에 안 되었을 겁니다. 박사초년은 그야말로 '시다바리'로 교수나 실험실을 잡일을 도맡아 해야하지요.

  • 소요유 ()

      이거 기획한 사람이 제 수퍼바이저 대우 어드바이저였고, 현재는 공동연구자입니다. 능력있는 박사를 아주 많이 배출했지요. 사실 이러한 학생의 권리 (학생에게는 아주 많은 편리함, 우선권을 인정해 줍니다) 속에서 생활비 받으며 4년간 자기의 논문에 전력 투구하는 그런 체재에서 배출된 넘들과 우리와 같이 '딱가리'로 부터 시작하는 그런 체재에서  '밀려서' 배출된 넘들과 경쟁해야한다는 것이 기가막히고 신기하기만 합니다.  제가 있는 고의 경우 대개 3년 반동안 정규 장학금을 지급하게 되고, 경우에 따라서 6개월 연장될 수 있는데 제가 보기에는 학위받는 과정이 대개 4~5년 정도 걸리는 것 같습니다.  자연과학쪽은 공학 쪽보다 박사 학위 과정이 긴 것이 일반적입니다. 미국도 제 분야에서는대개 5년정도 걸립니다. 

  • 배성원 ()

      기간은 비슷하군요. 입학과 동시에 자기 thesis를 정하는 노력을 하지 않습니까? 제 모교의 경우, 박사학위중에 자기 thesis 정하는 건 거의 2말 3초 심하면 3말 정도에 합니다. 제 경험상요. 다른 과는 잘 모르지만 대체로 이럴겁니다. 특이한 교수님도 있지요. 전자과 교수신데..'내가 가르쳐서 3년내 졸업 못하면 학생이 무능한거다. 나아가서 나도 무능한거다.'는 모토로 거의 3년만에 다 학위 받도록 합니다. 아아주 특이한 경우죠? 그 경우, 학생이 입학하자마자 바로 thesis 정하는 것 같더군요. 즉, 쓸데없이 버리는 시간이 없다는 거죠....그렇게 질질 끌면서 학위해봐야 정말 지나가는 개가 쳐다볼 가치도 없는 현실인데....

  • 소요유 ()

      아, 그러고 보니 국내의 경우를 언급하지 않았군요. 국내는 대개 7년~10년 걸립니다. 제 분야에서는요. 뭐 이론적으로야 5년에 가능하지요. 그러나 코스워크 3년하고, 2년만에 논문을 쓰는 것이 쉽지는 않습니다. 지도 교수와 학생이 아주 능력있는 경우가 아닌한 말이죠. 그러니 결국 석사 2년을 더하면 박사 학위까지 대학원에 9~12년 있는 셈이 되지요. 휴~  길게 늘어진다고 실력이 느는 것은 아니지요. 

  • 최희규 ()

      이 즈음에서 탈옥(?)을 위해 발버둥 치고 있는 저도 한 말씀 드리겠습니다. 아침에 한글워드에 윗글을 paste해서 시간 가느줄 모르고 읽었었죠... 부럽기도하고, 한 편 귀찮기도 하겠구나 라는 생각도 했구요... 저는 개인적으로 박사학위를 올해 끝 내려고 하는 이유중에 하나가 지금 제가 처해있는 상황이나 환경이 앞으로 몇년 더 있다고 해서 연구성과에 대해서 달라질 것이 없다고 판단했기 때문입니다. 여러 가지 이유가 있구요... 주위에서 보면 이것이 가장 큰 문제라고 보입니다. 정말 연구가 모자라서 7년 - 10년 하는 경우는 상황이 다를지 모르지만, 시간만 지나고 아무런 성과가 없는 경우에도 교수들이 잡아두려고 하는 것이 문제라고 봅니다. anyway... now, 탈옥을 위해 별짓 다하고 있습니다 ^^

[3시간 후] 사건의 전말


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