뉴욕타임스가 보도한 한인 이민 실태

2003-05-17 21:56
25만불 이상 들고 한국을 떠나는 중상층이상이 최근 한인 미국 이민의 실태라는 군요.



Restless Koreans, Stifled at Home, Head Overseas

SEOUL, South Korea — Jeong Seung Keun's apartment sits on a high floor of a recently built skyscraper, affording a fantastic view of the city. Modern art hangs on the walls. Fancy exercise equipment sits tucked away in a corner.

Indeed, just about everything in Mr. Jeong's home speaks of a successful life, from the elegant clothes worn by his wife, who attentively oversees their two children's homework, down to the Calloway golf bag propped up by the door, ready for an early morning outing.

For all of his comfort, however, Mr. Jeong, a 43-year-old civil engineer, wants out. Like hundreds of other high-achieving South Koreans each year, he has decided to emigrate to the United States, where he figures his family's life, if not necessarily richer, will be far more enriching in personal terms.

"I've walked an elite path all of my life in Korea, and it would be easy to spend the rest of our lives here," said Mr. Jeong, who is a managing director at one of South Korea's major international construction firms. "But the United States is the center of the world these days, the country with the most to offer. We have a saying, if you want to meet the tiger, you have to enter its cave, and I want our children to grow up according to American standards."

The profile of those who emigrate from South Korea has changed significantly in less than a generation, a shift that reflects the country's dizzying economic rise.

In the 1970's and 80's most South Koreans who left their country were from the lower middle class and went abroad because they thought that was the only way they could improve their economic status. Once in the United States, they often founded mom-and-pop grocery stores in depressed urban neighborhoods, working endless hours, sacrificing themselves for the education of their children.

Now, South Korea's economic takeoff and democratization, which began in the 1980's, have created widespread opportunity and hope. Fewer people are seeking their fortunes abroad — and those who do increasingly tend to be among the most successful, those who find that even the newly affluent and open South Korea cannot match their ambitions.

In 1980, 29,572 South Koreans were issued immigration visas to the United States; the number last year was just 6,696.

"Up until the early 1990's, the push factor out of Korea was much more important than the pull factor from the United States," said Bernard Alter, the consul general at the American Embassy in Seoul, adding that immigration to the United States has sharply declined. "Levels are probably one-fifth of what they were in the 1980's, but proportionally, the investor category has become much more important."

High achievers of the upper middle class who leave today often do so with $250,000 or more in savings. Their reasons include a yearning for the wide-open spaces not found in South Korea, one of the most densely populated countries, and an itch for more professional stimulation.

Better education for children remains another huge part of the equation, although in these cases the switch is often from the best that South Korea has to offer to elite American schooling. South Koreans like the Jeong family say they expect that in the United States their children will learn things like individuality and problem-solving that they feel are missing back home.

"My daughter, who is 11, has to work until 11 p.m. every night just to finish her homework," said Mr. Jeong's 39-year-old wife, Kyung Woon, who said she eagerly looked forward to their move to the Seattle area later this year.

"Things are so competitive in Korea there is no time for children to play," she said. "In America, she will be able to get a good education and relax sometimes, which makes you well-rounded.

"Besides, I think there is more fresh air there."

Generally, American consular officials say, the United States is happy to receive well-heeled immigrants like the Jeongs, who will be entering on investor visas, which, among other qualifications, generally require an investment of more than $100,000 in a business in the United States. The Jeongs' plans include investing immediately in several small retail store franchises, to develop a stream of income until Mr. Jeong can find work in his own profession again.

The Jeongs are arranging their relocation, including their American visas, through an emigration service run by Kang Young Ho, the chief executive officer and founder of the Nammi Emigration Corporation, a pioneer 13 years ago in a field that has now grown crowded with international relocation services for this country's upper middle class.

"I myself emigrated to Canada in 1971, with my wife and son, and $200 in my pocket," said Mr. Kang, a voluble man with a loud laugh. "Everybody was like that back then."

Asked what motive for moving is most frequently cited by his clients, without hesitating Mr. Kang, whose company relocates about 50 families to the United States and 200 to Canada each year, said English-language education.

"Before, people were going to make money and survive, but now it is to raise their children in English," Mr. Kang said. "We are one of the worst countries in the world for English education. Even our English teachers can't speak English."

The consolidation of the English language's place as an indispensable tool in business and many other fields, in the 1990's, coincided with the most profound period in South Korea's economic transformation.

"The people who hire my services think of $100,000 as peanuts," Mr. Kang said. "They are doctors, professionals, civil servants, and most of them made a killing with the explosion of real estate values."

As upscale emigration has become more and more popular in South Korea, recently, many professionals have begun to eschew the services of companies like Mr. Kang's, which cost $15,000 or more, pooling information, both tactical and practical. Sometimes they do business together in their new country of adoption.

Kim Jong Kap, a 37-year-old manager with the Industrial Bank of Korea, banded together in an online group with about 30 other South Korean accountants who have passed the accreditation test of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and are seeking to emigrate and set up businesses in the United States.

Mr. Kim, whose wife, a cancer researcher at Columbia, lives with their two small children, plans to join them in August. He invited three other men he had never met in person, all C.P.A.'s who have been talking up American business ventures online for weeks, to meet a foreign journalist at a downtown hotel.

"There's nothing bad about Korea, but the company I work for doesn't really have a lot to teach me anymore," Mr. Kim said. "We view America as the frontier, and I want to experience it."

Kim Song Ho, his online acquaintance, plans to move to the United States this summer too, even though this month he will marry a women with a big job — and salary — at the Korea Stock Exchange. Mr. Kim is not sure yet whether he wants to set himself up in Los Angeles, Chicago or Atlanta. Whichever he chooses, at least for now his soon-to-be wife, will stay behind.

"I know that in America I'll be rewarded for the amount of work I do, and not just designated to a position and stuck there," Mr. Kim said. "My fiancée is behind me all the way. Even if I have to struggle, she says, she wants me to have the reward of being a self-made man."

  • 관전평 ()

      Neighbor's lawn is greenier....

  • 김덕양 ()

      그렇죠. 근데 재밌는 것은 push factor (미국으로 밀어내는) 보다 pull factor (미국으로 끌어오는) 가 커졌다는 점인 것 같습니다. 잘못되면 한쪽에서는 죽어라고 한국에 돈벌다주고 다른 한쪽에서는 쉽게(기반이 잡힌 분들은 없는 분들보다는 그나마 더 쉽게 돈을 벌겠지요. 위의 기사에서 언급된 부동산 투자등을 통해) 돈들고 한국을 탈출해버리는 양극현상이 심화되겠지요.

  • Simon ()

      뭐 어떡하는 게 바람직한가요? 전 도무지 모르겠습니다.

  • 김덕양 ()

      pull factor 가 주원인이기 때문에 특별히 어떻게 해볼 도리가 없는 것이지요. 이미 마음이 떠난 사람을 어떻게 붙잡겠습니다. 쩝.

  • 관전평 ()

      제가 보기에는 한국분들은 미국에 대해 너무 막연하게만 생각하는 게 아닌가 싶습니다. 무조건 좋게만 생각하는...

  • ??? ()

      Simon님. 관전평님 같은 분들때문에 떠나는겁니다.

  • 배성원 ()


  • 구두운 ()

      웬지 서로 말들이 엇갈리시는군요...

  • 정문식 ()

      요즈음 이민자들의 생활고나 구직난 등(캐나다에 간 전문직 출신 이민자들이 일자리를 못 구해 밤에 지렁이잡이를 한다는 등등의...), 이민 생활의 그림자들이 인터넷 등을 통해 한국 사회에도 널리 알려지고 있는데, 그러한 이민자들의 어두운 이야기들이 과연 한국의 이민 열풍을 잠재워 줄 수 있을지 궁금하네여...

  • 2bgooroo ()

      우리편? 같은편? XX원생들 논리군요...

  • ??? ()

      "이민 생활의 그림자"보다 숨막히는 한국을 떠나사는 안도감이 더 크기때문 아니겠습니까. 다수 의견과 다르면 다구리가 예사고 생각을 입밖에 함부로 낼 수 없는 나라.. 어른은 무조건 퇴물 취급받고 1등은 당연히 죽어야하죠. 배운자와 가진자는 무조건 쓰레기고. 교수도 당연히 반동. 모두 반동 반동..

  • 황진환 ()

      벌만큼 벌면 편히 살고 싶지 않을 까요?  그런데 미국이 좀 살기 편해 보이고 한국보다 안정적이여 보이니까.....남의 잔디밭이 더 파랗게 보이는 것은 사실이지만, 우리집에 잔디 밭이 아에 없으면 그냥 부러울 다름이죠....  미국의 특징은 지렁이를 잡아도 옆에사람 별로 신경 안쓰고 산다는 거죠....한국에서는 그렇지 않거든요, 옆집에서 차바꾸면 우리도 바꾸고 싶고.....

  • 황진환 ()

      교육 문제도 너무 심각하고.....미국이 물질만능이라고는 하지만, 실제로 일을 돈으로 해결하는 경우는 드물죠... 특히 일상사에서 우리나라처럼 돈을 돌같이 여겨서 매사를 돈으로 처리하는 나라도 드물거든요.....

  • 황진환 ()

      제가 제일 싫어하는 격언이 "황금 보기를 돌같이 하라"라는 최영 장군의 말씀입니다..... 돌같이 여기니까 여기 저기 아무것에나 막쓰죠.... 돈이 귀한것인줄 알면 그렇게 쓰지 않거든요.... 경찰관에 걸려도 법으로 해결해야할일을 돌같은 돈을 줌으로써 티켓 면하는 것이 몇년전만해도 기본적인일이였죠...

  • 황진환 ()

      그러나 저러나 탈한국 러쉬가 심해지는 것은 사실인것 같습니다.....이민자 뿐만 아니라, 유학생 조기 유학생...돈만 조금 있음 무조건 나옵니다....그렇지만, 사실 따지고 보면 딱히 비난만 할수는 없다는 것이죠.....

  • 김하원 ()

      과학도님 그건 우리나라만의 전매특허는 아닌 것 같습니다.

  • 관전평 ()


  • 지렁이 ()

      지렁이=여자들 립스틱재료....



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